Many business owners never have time to stop and think about the difference between building a business and building a job for life. 
The difference between them gives you a clear indication of whether you can ever retire from the business, and leave it running along in the hands of an employed MD, or by selling it completely as a going concern.
The answer to this question makes no difference to the amount of turnover you have, or the number of buildings or the number of active customers on your books. The biggest difficulty in selling any business, is whether it can run WITHOUT its current manager.


Can Your Business Run Without You?



What would happen to your business if you took six months off and went to a desert island with no Wi-Fi signal or telephone line? I think we know the answer to that one!
How about a month? Can you disappear for a month without any noticeable problems? What about two weeks’ holiday? Do you get constant emails while you sit by the pool in Tenerife? These are clear warning signals that the business isn’t saleable to an outside buyer and is simply a never-ending job you have created for yourself.

It Can Be Changed into a Saleable Business

Don’t worry, realising that you are a member of “Hotel California” where you can check-out but you can never leave, is not the end of the story.

Thanks to the tried and tested strategies of the ActionCOACH system, there is a method of turning a job into a business that you can walk away from – cheque in hand.

Speak to Laurence Duncan and find out about his 121 or group coaching courses that will show you exactly how to do it for yourself.