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This video is 2 minutes and 29 seconds in length.

Video 3 of: “17 Ways To Get More Stuff Done!”

Plan your next day at the end of the current one.

Your future is the accumulation of what you do every day.  I’ve met business owners who have a 10 year plan, but when I ask them what is on their plan for tomorrow, I’m left with dumb-founded silence.

It’s the tiny things we do every day that add up to our long term success.

If we don’t plan tomorrow at the end of today the chances of us meeting any long term goals are pretty remote.

Why do it at the end of today?

Two reasons:

🌟 It enables you to hit the floor running – rather than spending the first 30 minutes of the day working out what you’re going to do.

🌟 It enables your unconscious mind to work on issues overnight and come up with potential solutions for you.

So put 30 mins in your diary at the end of each day & plan tomorrow in as much detail as you can.

Yes, there’ll be emergencies that need resolving, & you won’t always stick to the plan – but you’ll still get loads more stuff done on a daily basis just by going through this process.

It trains your mind to keep focus.  And I’ve found that Focus is something that sometimes we lack.

Watch the video for more revelations on this…

If you’re a business owner with a team of more than 5 people and you’d like a free 20 minute discussion on how to grow your business then book a call with me on the below button:

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