Business Planning

In the words of Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher, “The only constant in life is change.” Never more apt than now for most of us and many business owners. This pandemic has enforced change on us.

If you’re a restaurateur, hotelier, travel agent, hairdresser, beautician, dentist, videographer, chiropractor, events company etc; how have you pivoted, adapted or changed your business model for thriving now and post pandemic?

Are you leading the change during this pandemic in order to get ahead of the competition in your sector or are you in the back seat enjoying the ride and waiting for the end game?

What needs to change during and post-pandemic? What about your products / services, pricing, marketing, delivery and staffing? Start from there. Then work through this change formula: (Dissatisfaction x Vision) + First Steps > Resistance.

Mark yourself out of 10 for the D, V & F and out of 100 for the R. If your score for the other side of the equation is greater than R, then you’re ready for change.

If you want greater clarity about applying this formula for changing to thrive during and post-pandemic, just book a session with me here and I’ll give you a complimentary walk-through focused on your business needs.