High employee turnover? Underperforming as a business? Maybe we can help.

86% of workforces across the world are disengaged. This means that the majority of your employees are not helping your business make more money and 20% of those people are actually losing your company money. A lot of employers believe that their workforce is not part of this statistic, but upon reviewing their employees performance and behaviours they find that 67% of their team are getting by at work doing the bare minimum and having little to no enthusiasm about what they do.

Studies have shown that disengaged workforces:

  • Consistently underperform
  • Suffer from low productivity
  • Have high employee turnover
  • Have future leadership challenges
  • Are estimated to collectively cost organisations between £330 – £400 billion annually

You may be thinking you don’t have any of these problems, that your employees are mostly happy at work. Remember, employee engagement is not employee happiness, someone might be happy at work but they may not be working hard, productively on behalf of the organisation.

Most companies have “employee satisfaction” surveys and executives talk about “employee satisfaction”, but the bar is set too low. A satisfied employee might show up for their daily 9-5 without complaint. But that same satisfied employee might not go the extra mile on their own, they will probably take the headhunters call luring them away with a 10% pay rise. Satisfied simply isn’t enough.

Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organisation and it’s goals.

So take a step back. Does your business have a high turnover of employees? Do you feel you are losing money from the investment you have made in your team?

If so, don’t panic. Most employers suffer from this problem but you have the opportunity to fix it for your business.

How we can help

Our free to attend Engage and Grow seminar will give you the tools to increase levels of commitment from your staff, to your business and create a more productive workforce.

On average, a fully engaged workforce has:

  • 22% higher profitability
  • 21% higher productivity
  • 10% higher customer engagement
  • Up to 65% lower staff turnover
  • 37% lower absenteeism

Our neurologically designed programmes will:

1. Improve staff retention, productivity and engagement levels

2. Create a fun and connected working environment

3. Increase leader and staff relationships

4. Unearth innovation, best practices and creativity

5. Drive individual and team accountability

6. Remove silo mentality

7. Create a dynamic flow of communication

8. Empower all generations and cultures to work together

9. Expand inter and intra team communication and collaboration

10. Identify and develop current and emerging leadership talent

The result is a fully engaged workforce, strong positive culture, enthusiastic employees and subsequent business growth.

Every business can benefit from learning how to engage their team, wether you have 3 employees or 300. We can make a difference.

Check our Events page to book on to the next seminar.



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