How Do You Reflect on the Past Year?

Remember, in business we should only look back for two reasons – to take the learnings and to see what we actually have achieved (and appreciate it before we move on to the next goal or ingenious plan).

December is naturally a very reflective month, so this is a crucial exercise to do before any planning for next year. This article details some questions to ensure it is an easy and positive process.

An important part of preparing for the New Year is to review the last year…to let go…and to learn from it. A trapeze artist can’t swing from one bar to another without letting go.

To achieve and become who you wish to be, an honest self-analysis is always helpful to gain clarity.

The following questions should stimulate your thinking. Reflect, with as much objectivity as you can…

  • What did I learn? (your skills, knowledge and awareness gained)
  • What did I accomplish?  A list of my wins and achievements.
  • What would I have done differently?  And Why?
  • What did I complete? What still feels incomplete to me?
  • What were the most significant events of the past year?  List the top five.
  • What did I do right?
  • What do I feel especially good about?
  • What was my greatest contribution?
  • What were the fun things I did?
  • What were the not-so-fun?
  • What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks and difficulties?
  • How am I different this year than last?
  • What am I particularly grateful for?

Also consider listing all the things in your life you would like to let go of…anything you no longer want, whether they be things or feelings, friends or beliefs.  Say thanks for what they’ve brought you, in terms of learning and usefulness, and then crumple the list. This symbolic gesture will help you release the old and become more open to the new.

The next step is to list what you do want…experiences, knowledge, material things, relationships, health, and so on.

You’ll then be using the principle of vacuum…releasing what you don’t want and embracing what you do creates space for new things to be attracted to you…people and ideas as well.

Make it a great New Year by ending this one well.