Master the Management Techniques Needed to Become a Great Leader and Achieve Amazing Results


Management made Simple. Master the art and science of management in today’s marketplace in this transformational training course.



Is This Training Programme Right for You?

Our training programme may be a good fit for you if you’re experiencing the following challenges:

  • You find it difficult to manage your time and tasks effectively
  • Important meetings often get pushed back or missed
  • Meetings are unstructured with no clear actions
  • You lack confidence when managing 1-2-1 meetings, annual reviews, personal development reviews and disciplinaries
  • You’re failing to communicate effectively as a team
  • You don’t have clear goals and measures in place
  • You lack the necessary management systems to build an effective team

What You Will Get From This Training Programme

We promise to deliver the following:

  • We will inspire you, inform you and motivate you to be the best manager you can be
  • We will address your mindset, and strengthen beliefs to make you more successful
  • We will break-down what management is and provide easy-to-follow best practices to transform your management skills
  • We will give you the skills to improve communication and build effective teams
  • We will help you create a system to run your business more effectively and efficiently

How It Works

This Management Masterclass includes the following components:

What is Management?                                                                            Goals & Measures
Management Competencies                                                                 90 Day Planning
Managing Daily Lists                                                                                Annual Reviews, Personal Development & Discipline
Managing Weekly Lists                                                                           Communication & tools
Managing Weekly Meetings                                                                 Build Effective Teams Through Systems
Managing 1-2-1 Meetings                                                                     Transition from Manager to Leader

Course Duration and Format

The course runs over a 12-week Period allowing time for the content to be absorbed, implemented and systemised into your business. The course is run as a combined and classroom/Webinar experience.


Our Management Training Programme costs £1500 per person.

We run this course throughout the year for mixed cohorts. If you have a group of managers in your business who could benefit from additional training, we can run a bespoke course just for you.

How to Get Started

Take the first step to mastering management by completing this form.                                                COMPLETE FORM

Have More Questions?

We’ll happily answer any other questions you have about this training course.                                    GET IN TOUCH