How do you get predictable business growth? Believe it or not, the very first mistake most businesses make in marketing is simply having no marketing team.

The success of your business depends on the time you give to marketing. You need marketing and that needs to be physically done by somebody. All areas such as Linkedin posts, facebook posts, instagram and twitter posts, website management, blogs, everything, it needs to be done by people. Allocating people and time for your marketing is therefore vital.

The big question for most business owners is, how do I hire great marketing people? There are three areas that need to be covered in any business- direct marketing, digital marketing and social marketing.

Let’s start with:

Direct Marketing – This is when either you or someone you hire will need to be sending pieces directly to people. You could be doing this through email marketing, telemarketing or direct mail.

Digital Marketing – This includes your website marketing, social media and SEO. This all needs to be happening constantly to make you visible on the internet.

Social Marketing – This is the time when you’re out and about networking or building strategic partnerships with people.

Surely no business owner  can or will do that all themselves, so decide right now who you want or even need to hire. Which area is most important to you and for your business now? Which one are you good at? Once you’ve chosen one, do it and do it well. You may be wondering, what about the other roles? Simply pass them on to or employ someone else from within the business to fill that role. Alternatively choose an outside agency carefully and manage them to do the roles you can’t.

Every business owner that I speak to tells me that they do the marketing OR that they ‘will’ do the marketing. If we look at the facts we all know that we won’t do it as well as someone that is dedicated to doing it. How can you get the results you want? You might employ someone to do it or you could appoint an external agency, manage them and their activity to get the outcome that you desire.

Remember – No Marketing = No Growth

Your business may survive, but it won’t grow

Just because we know marketing doesn’t mean we do it. Take eating or exercising for example, we all know we need to eat well and exercise but if we’re honest with ourselves we don’t always necessarily do it. We can only do it well if we have taken in the education to do it or get someone to help us to do it even better. Like reading a cooking book, or having someone to train us or even better having someone come and cook in your kitchen. The same goes for marketing, having someone responsible for it will bring you great results.

The key to getting predictable growth, and I don’t mean just word of mouth or a bit of luck, is to recruit yourself a marketing team or at the very least appoint and outside agency to do it for you.

So, when are you going to start growing your business? If you’ve already got plenty of busines coming how can you structure your business to cope with more? How will you free yourself from your business?

If you want to talk to me about how to rev up your marketing and get your business working for you and not the other way around through business coaching click here to book a FREE consultation with me.
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