“I’ll do it now” “I’ll do it in a minute” “I’ll do it next week” . We’ve all said these before, and doesn’t it bog you down. Just like snoozing your alarm clock, if we keep snoozing, we’ll eventually get up with 10 minutes to go. How do you feel when you’ve left the house in a whirlwind? I don’t know about you but I feel stressed, out of control and even more tired than I was before. We can feel like that in every aspect of our life if we don’t buckle down and figure how to get the best out of our week.

Ask yourself – What fills you with Energy? Is it people, places?

Now ask yourself the opposite question – What robs you of Energy?

Do you know what they are? Now sit yourself down, take a moment out of your day and create a list. Take a moment to realise not only what fills and robs you of energy, but answer the question why. How does it affect you and your work?

Don’t panic! You can turn it around and become your old productive self, what do you need to do? Take Action. Again, get that list back out and decide an action point for each to keep yourself energised through every day of every week. Whether it’s as big as a goal for your business growth or as small as throwing that bottle that’s been bugging you on your desk in the bin, write it down.

You will be surprised at how you feel if you just take action.

If you think about it, it whittles down to how you use your time. Yes, you might call it time management, but have you ever thought that it’s actually self-management? Surprisingly enough, we are actually in control of our time, isn’t that crazy? It can be stressful because we all feel out of control, but it doesn’t take much to get that back. So, take control of your time, put aside a little time today just for you and decide what fills you with energy.

Book a discovery call with me if you want to learn how to apply this to your company.

Create The Roadmap to Your Success With GrowthCLUB – 90 Day Business Plan. We will teach you how to write a 90 day business plan that will drive success to your business. You will also gain access to some of the best business tools for success. Click here to learn more.