“I think it’s immeasurable the way ActionCOACH has helped the business. Without their influence and expertise, I don’t think that we would be growing as we are today” – Richard Pink, Managing Director.

Without the support of ActionCOACH, the business would have remained small or possibly closed down as the owner approaches retirement. Richard had a passion to bring the business forward but felt he didn’t have the skills to. Action Coach Jamie Goral was able to look at the business from all angles and within the first 3 to 6 months they were able to put in place new processes and systemise the business.

Since working with ActionCOACH the business has seen:

✔ 100% net profit increase

✔ 100% turnover increase

✔ New general manager to take care of day-to-day operations.

Learn how to increase profits and drive your business forward: watch video