You will have heard of the saying United we stand, divided we fall.  As a successful business owner I am sure you recognise the importance of team work.  Ensuring that all your team are on the same page and know the direction the business is travelling in, is so important to your success, however, how do you achieve this?

If you want to grow your business then the whole of your team needs to be engaged.  Whilst this may sound simple, getting it to happen effectively can be quite a challenge.  You need to ensure that your team has not only heard and understood your vision but that they have bought into it too, so that your vision becomes theirs too.  This is no simple task.   If you think about some of the household brands we love today such as Apple and Dyson, what marks them out is the way in which their senior leadership team have been able to instil this sense of ownership in the whole of the workforce.  This common purpose results in motivated people who have a real connection with the company they work for.

As a business coach I regularly spend time with clients running team alignment sessions that enable the team to come on board and see the owner’s vision for the future of the business.   These sessions are an opportunity to get you the director(s) together with your team to look at where the business is currently, where you want the business to go and how you can get there, together.

Communicating with your team in this way helps them to buy into your vision, it also enables them to see how their individual roles are connected and how the work that they do is to the benefit of the business as a whole.   Lastly you can all have a frank discussion as to the challenges that the business might be facing and what can be done to resolve them.

A key part of the team alignment session is the opportunity to brainstorm the way forward for the business.  This is important because so often it is the people who do the doing, who come up with the best ideas.   These sessions help the business to move forward secure in the knowledge that everyone is working towards the same goals.  Remember Together  Everyone Achieves More and there is no I in TEAM – you cannot do it on your own, you need your team.


If you’d like to arrange a team alignment session for your business you can click here to send me an email, or give me a call on 07952 112432.  For more information on my business coaching services please click here.