What's Your Why?

Following on from my blog post last month on your Unique Selling Proposition I thought I’d delve a little deeper into your business Why.  Don’t know what I’m talking about?  Then I shall explain.  If you’ve ever wondered how great leaders, brands or companies inspire action, they start with Why.  They get us, the customer to believe in them and what they stand for and this ultimately makes us want to buy from them and be part of their tribe.  Think of Apple.    Motivation speaker Simon Sinek used this theme for his 2009 Ted Talk.

Most businesses fall into the trap of starting with their What and promoting this – i.e. they spend their time and energy telling other people what they do;  building computers, printing flyers, helping people with their legal problems for example.   Some businesses tell people How they do what they do and use this as their defining or unique selling proposition.  Very few businesses know Why they do what they do and focus on promoting it.


Your Why isn’t making a profit – this is the result.  Your Why is your purpose, your cause, your belief and the reason your organisation exists.  Leaders and businesses who inspire us start with their Why and work their way out to promoting What they do.  People don’t buy what you do they buy WHY you do it.

So what does this mean for your business? The goal is to work and do business with people who believe what you believe in.  If your employees have bought into your Why they will go the extra mile and help you to be successful.  They are as invested as you are.  When it comes to marketing your products and services focusing on your Why is also key.

Think about your new customer conversion rate.  Many  businesses  feel that a 10% conversion is good enough, but there will always be those people who ‘get it’ and want to be the first to adopt, to be more successful  between 15 and 18% is a better goal.  At this tipping point you can be assure of mass market success and acceptance of your idea.

Every business wants to be successful, knowing and marketing your Why really can help.  If you need help working out your Why then book a 121 brainstorming session with me and let’s get started. Interested? Give me a call on 07952 112432, or Click here to send me an email.

I believe every business deserves access to the education and support to be successful, what do you believe?