Accountability……. Why it’s so important for your business

Accountability, what is it?   “Accountability is the acceptance of responsibility for one’s own actions. It implies a willingness to be transparent, allowing others to observe”.

A great example of accountability is when you are focused on achieving your goals and tasks. If you’re able to limit distractions and pressures, you’re successful in achieving your goals efficiently.

Business plans and detailed action plans are all very well, but they are just plans and although essential are nothing if you do not take the actions you have written down.  How often do you find yourself making a plan, not doing what your plan says, then telling yourself that making a plan was a waste of time.

Well, how about making it not a waste of time and getting someone to hold you accountable to delivering your own plan to yourself and move your business forward.

No-one said it was easy,  the hard work will have to be done!  It’s really important that you acknowledge the importance of doing your ‘homework’ and ensuring that you don’t let it slip.   We all experience times when life gets busy and can use this as an excuse not to do what’s needed to achieve our goals, then afterwards we beat ourselves up.  If this is a situation you sometimes find yourself in, then find someone external to your business, and close personal life, who you can talk to and who will hold you accountable and always have your best interests in mind.  Perhaps you can also be their accountability partner.

Having someone holding you accountable can make you feel uncomfortable, particularly if you’ve not done your “homework”.  However,  this process is vital if you’re truly serious about moving your business forward, as it will prevent you from pussy footing around and using every excuse under the sun, (there are many!), not to do what you’ve said you’re going to do.  The benefits are huge and as you are able to reflect on the positive changes you’re making you can congratulate yourself on moving forward.

Don’t settle for achieving less.  Book a 121 coaching session with me and let’s get some accountability into your business.  Interested? Give me a call on 07952 112432, or Click here to send me an email.