If your answer to this is the Sunday League then this article will be of little interest to you.  However, if you desire a better business, then consider what it is you need to do to get that business where you want it to be?

Compare sports people to business owners

What are the motivations for the participants of any sport?  Enjoyment, fitness, fulfilment, competition, social, personal development are just some of the many reasons people participate in sport and personal fitness.  Every competitor at any sport has their ‘level’, their ability at that sport/activity in comparison with other competitors.  The same is true of business.  Why are you in business?  What do you want out of the business?  Each business has its level of possible achievement, limited by the skills and abilities of the owners.  For the ‘Sunday League’ business owners this is sufficient.  They are in business for a lifestyle, for the enjoyment and a low-stress life, but are probably not getting the best results that they are capable of if they were more committed.

For the majority of business owners their motivations are many, but chiefly to achieve success in their lives, fulfilment, be a provider, a better life, freedom, and better earnings.  They sacrifice time, commit money, often pay employees more than themselves and all for a better life.  As committed sportspeople improve, they turn to outside assistance to improve their game. If professional sportspeople have coaches to help them achieve their goals, then why would you not have a coach to help you achieve your business goals?  You’ve got a lot more at stake than most sportspeople who take coaching as a ‘no brainer’.  A sportsperson will only experience failure, you risk failure and financial ruin!

What difference will a coach make?


Have you ever been stuck in the woods not being able to see properly where you are going?  You’re handling day to day stuff, fire-fighting but not progressing the business forwards as fast as you’d like.  You’ll gain the benefit of a person overviewing the business rather than the day to day activity.  They can see the wood and the better routes through that wood for you to take.  You’ll gain far greater clarity on what is going on in the business both opportunities and challenges to make more informed decisions.


You’ll enhance your knowledge, improve your business acumen and strengthen your areas of weakness.  You’ll improve your knowledge, leadership, organisation and time management to become more effective as a manager, business owner and leader.  Your team will equally develop better co-operation, performance and a greater understanding of what the business stands for, its culture and values.


Have you ever started a project and not completed it?  Daily issues of the business hold you back and take your eye off the ball.  Team members don’t work by your wishes and events overtake the project.  You’ll overcome obstacles and stay on course, implementing new strategies to move the business forwards.


How many times have you promised to yourself to get something done, only to find it still on your to-do list days/weeks later?   Personal discipline is one of those rare commodities many of us lack but sorely need in business.  Your coach will hold you accountable to achieve this, keeping you on course and focussed.


A view from outside with no emotional attachment will give you a different perspective.  A sounding board to enhance your decision-making skills.  A voice of experience with a whole suite of tools to enhance your business performance.

When is the best time to work with a coach?

So you’re already too busy with the business to commit to a coaching programme. There are too many issues to handle let alone committing to working extra hours with a coach.  Well, there is no ‘good time’ to commit to coaching, so just jump in and get going.  Your coach will be able to guide you to prioritise your time, focus on the important but not urgent issues before the become urgent.  Giving you clarity on what is the best use of your time, what can you delegate, delete, defer or tackle the issue.

If you’re looking to do more with your business, wanting to move to the Premier League and willing to commit to your business then get in touch.  We offer a complimentary coaching session to enable you to see for yourself if coaching is for you.  Book a meeting with me on this link.