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This video is 1 minute and 14 seconds in length.

Video 6 of: “17 Ways To Get More Stuff Done!”.

Create Schedules of Activities

How do you know when you’ve accomplished everything you need to do each week to drive your business forward?  How do you make sure you’re heading towards your goals?

The answer is to create Schedules of Activities.

There are certain tasks that need to be completed each week, each month and each quarter.

Creating a list of these tasks and displaying them in a prominent place keeps them in the forefront of your mind.

As the week goes by, make sure you are getting through the list.

At the end of the week, month and quarter, set some time apart to go through the list and cross off all of the items that have been done.

You probably won’t get them all done every week, but by creating the Schedule of Activities it becomes a lot more likely.

It also makes sure that you don’t miss an important activity that only occurs once a month or quarter & that’s easy to forget.

If you’re a business owner with a team of more than 5 people and you’d like a free 20 minute discussion on how to grow your business then book a call with me on the below button:

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