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This video is 2 minutes and 53 seconds long.

Video 15 of: “17 Ways To Get More Stuff Done!”

Avoid feeling overwhelmed

As a Business Owner there’s always a million things that need to be done.

Have you ever felt absolutely overwhelmed by the thousands of things buzzing around in your head?

This can lead to paralysis & a sudden halt to your productivity as your brain goes into melt-down mode.

One suggestion to overcome this is to have a Brain Dump.

Take a pad or paper & a pen, and then write down absolutely everything that is flying around inside your mind.

Keep writing until it’s all down on paper.  Every last item that you need to do.

Then grade every one of these items as A, B or C in order of their Importance to you & your business.

Then prioritise them on a scale of 1 to 9 as to the urgency of the task.

Look at them all & work out which ones you’re able to get done.  Pick 3 items from the list.

For those tasks create a mini-plan. Incorporate this into your Daily Task List, your Frog Sheets & Default Diary.

By getting something done, you’re reducing the overall list & easing the feeling of overwhelm that you’re experiencing.

If you’re a business owner with a team of more than 5 people and you’d like a free 20 minute discussion on how to grow your business then book a call with me on the below button:

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