Is it possible that up to 87% of employees are disengaged at work and that it could be costing your business 34% of your wage bill? That’s what a recent Gallup survey saidEmployee engagement is critical.

And when I recently surveyed local business owners about their biggest challenge, most said it was losing time reacting to employee issues.

What’s the answer? Well, I’m going to share with you here three quick tips that could transform your employee engagement.

Of course, before I share my three tips, remember that it begins with you. Your style of management creates the behaviours. If you are passionate and engaged there is a greater chance that they will be too.

So here are my three quick tips for you:

1. Be clear about roles and responsibilities

Make sure your employees are trained. Agree KPIs and hold your staff accountable to them.

2. Train them to think

A disease I see in business owners who were once self employed is that to get the job done right, you think you have to do it yourself. Not true, not true. Be proactive in your management. Get your employees trained to the standards you want them to perform to and hold them accountable. They’ll be much more engaged. If you want to grow your business, then help to grow your employees.

3. Clear communication is crucial for employee engagement

For example, what’s your vision for your business? A great leader needs to keep staff focussed on the vision and the team daily – not on themselves and their individual problems. The leader’s job is to communicate: talk to your staff, make sure they get congratulated on what’s great more than they’re disciplined for what’s gone wrong. Ensure they know the common goal for the business which is that everyone wins.

If you’re interested in learning more about how I might be able to help with employee engagement, or any other aspect of your business, please feel free to get in touch here.