Business Owners: Are you sick and tired of competing on price?  Are you constantly being undercut by your rivals?  Are your profit margins being eaten up by having to discount your products to stay in business?  Are you struggling to get new customers?
What if I said that you don’t have to play that game anymore? 

Lift yourself out of the Price Race

There’s a way of lifting yourself out of the Price Race. I am offering you the chance to elevate yourself above the rest of the companies in your market sector. 
One of the quickest ways to destroy a business is to discount your products or services. Any business that does this is on a downward spiral to bankruptcy.
Why? It becomes a vicious circle and never ends. There will always be someone out there who is prepared to slash their prices lower than yours. 
What kind of customers are you attracting when you compete solely on price? The kind that will drop you and leave as soon as a better deal comes along. Are these the kind customers you want? 
No loyalty, very demanding, complaining, penny pinching, time consuming and unbelievably hard work. 
These customers are poisonous, they suck the profits from your business and you should get rid of them. Controversial eh? These customers are costing you money rather than bringing it in. Sacking customers is not something a lot of businesses do…
…but imagine if you could focus your efforts on the customers that truly appreciate you. That would be great wouldn’t it? 
What about attracting the right kinds of customers in the first place? Those that are extremely dependable, always come back to you, are happy to buy more, never complain, refer other customers to you and rave about you and how great you are. 
These are the ideal customers aren’t they? And I am sure you have a small percentage of these delightful people on your books.

Have Customers Beating Down Your Door

What if there was a way to attract more of these Amazing A grade customers? Having them beating your door down to do business with you? 
What if there was also a way of upgrading some of your existing clients so that they become A grade quality? 
What if we could help you to completely sidestep the question of price when a customer calls up for a quote?
That would allow you to concentrate on how you can help them wouldn’t it? And give you opportunities to build rapport with them. 

21 Page eBook on Market Supremacy!

Here’s what’s included in this Differentiator Pack. I have a powerful 21 page eBook on how to rise above your competitors. It’s entitled “Becoming the Obvious Choice in a Sea of Competition”. In this document you’ll learn:
⭐️ What not to tell your customers…
⭐️ What marketing really is…
⭐️ What the Articulated Sales Argument (ASA) is…
⭐️ How to raise your business above the NOISE…
⭐️ How to stand head and shoulders above your opposition…
⭐️ How to craft a truly Unique Selling Proposition…
⭐️ What the worst USP in business is, that everyone uses!
⭐️ The 6 key components of a killer USP…
⭐️ The 10 categories of USP…
⭐️ 7 strategies for making you stand out from the competition…
⭐️ Why a solid, cast iron guarantee will be priceless for you…

9 Page Self Assessment to Rocket Your Profits!

You’ll also get a 9 page Self-Assessment Review that’s specifically engineered to help you to design your own Unique Selling Proposition that will propel your sales forward. 
Along with this there’s a powerful 3 page Appraisal Form on creating a rock solid guarantee that will blow your customers fear out of the water and enable them to buy with confidence from you. 

60 Minute Video Treasure Trove for Market Mastery!

On top of all of the above, I’m going to provide you 2 videos of me doing a Lunch and Learn session with some business owners. Both 30 minute videos are rammed with precious information and golden nuggets that will speed you on your way to becoming the master of your market. The videos show you:
⭐️ The 4 categories of customers
⭐️ Why you should sell some customers to your competition
⭐️ How you can create more A grade customers
⭐️ The one question that can transform any price query into a productive rapport building conversation
⭐️ What the real cost of discounting is to your business
⭐️ Why you need to double your sales to claw back the profits from discounting
⭐️ Alternative ways of adding value to your clients without offering a discount
⭐️ Why having a Unique Selling Proposition that’s REALLY unique is crucial in this economic climate
⭐️ The types of things that should never be used as a USP
⭐️ What Critical Non-Essentials are (CNEs)
⭐️ The 4 biggest fears of your customers
⭐️ The 3 types of USP – one of these will really shock you
⭐️ The 5 most disastrous things to put in a Unique Selling Proposition
⭐️ 11 examples of real USPs that rocketed the profits of their companies
The cost of the 21 page report, the 9 page USP Self-Assessment Review, the 3 page Guarantee Appraisal Form and the 60 minute video would be more than £500+VAT… However, I’m going to give them to you for £147+VAT.
So get in touch today by emailing me on and I’ll send you the Differentiator Pack via email once the invoice is paid.