It has been said that nobody has a fear of flying… they have a fear of falling.

Deep down even pilots have this fear; they don’t want to crash any more than the passengers want to. Yet pilots still have the confidence to take control of the aircraft and fly. Why is this?

Pilots have essential tools available to reduce their understandable fears. Completing thorough checklists enables them to confidently take off and ascend into the sky (as well as descending with a safe landing).

These checklists give pilots the space and reassurance they need to be able to focus on any necessary actions that could be required if an emergency was to occur.


One thing at a time: a brief history of the checklist | Flight Safety  Australia

So how is a pilot comparitable to a business owner?

Business owners have the same fear, they fear crashing. In other words, they have a fear of their business failing.

However just like the pilot, business owners can compile a thorough checklist to ensure their safety and the safety of their ‘plane’. These checklists and other systems can be put in place so that they can be alert for any danger whilst flying. It leaves them with the chance to really focus on their business, as they now have the ability to cruise through the day-to-day routines.


What sort of thing would be in a checklist?

To help get you started on your checklist, consider what can be done to perfect…

  • Business Systems – They can help to increase efficiency in your business and improve productivity
  • Customer Service Systems – This ensures that you give your customer the best experience possible
  • Sales and Marketing Systems – They’re essential for attracting and retaining business
  • Operational Systems – This ensures that your employees are functioning to the best of their ability

When you know what you’re working towards, it can make it a lot easier to start assembling what steps you must take to get you there.


The fear of failure stalks a lot of business owners, from losing key clients to running out of money. But with a well thought out checklist and planned systems, you can have the confidence required to make your business soar. Just like the pilot, you will have the essential tools at hand to reduce any understandable fears.

If you don’t know where to get started, why not take up our offer on a complimentary coaching session? We will help you put a plan into place and give you the essential tools needed to ascend with your business. Click here to be redirected to our contact details: