As Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us, how about showing your staff some love to make them feel valued and appreciated?

But how can this be done? Here are some tips:

  1. Pay staff fairly

You should pay your staff reasonably and provide them with some benefits to boost staff morale. They could consider going elsewhere if you don’t.

  1. Acknowledge and reward

Do you acknowledge your employees’ good work and reward it? Making your staff feel loved doesn’t mean spending a lot of money; people like to feel valued. Just the incentive of Employee of the Month can be really effective.

  1. Create a career path

Employees value progression. Most people in any organisation want to feel like they have the opportunity to grow; it gives them motivation to perform well and set goals.

  1. Celebrate their anniversaries

Ensure you have the dates noted of when each staff member joined the company, so for each anniversary you can send them a personal card or a little something that’s personal to them.

  1. Take an interest

Believe it or not, employees have a life outside of work. Take an interest – ask them how their families are, where they’re going on holiday, etc. Getting to know your employees personally will help build a positive relationship.

  1. Recognise staff as individuals

Whilst it’s great to do things for your entire team, it’s very effective to value your staff individually if they do something great. Pinpoint an employee to attend a conference on your behalf. Or if an employee has done something exceptional during the week, pull them to the side and let them leave work an hour or two earlier on a Friday afternoon. Small gestures go a long way.

  1. Walk the talk

As an effective and respected leader, it’s important to play by the same rules as everybody else. You should make your employees feel that you’re on the same levels as them, and that’s because you are!