What I do…


We know how to grow your business, improve its performance to ensure that IT works for YOU and enhances your life, without ruling your life. Growing business is about growing people so they know how to narrow the gap between where they are and where they want to be. You can only have the life and the results you want when you know how. You and your people are your business’s glass ceiling!

As the business coach, mentor and trainer at Power Play I work closely with my clients, together we constantly focus on increasing the performance of the business, through the people in it.

For every business we support we have 1 key KPI ‘our work must increase profits’ and 1 key long term Goal ‘ultimately the business must work without the business owner’. Your business must work for you, not the other way around. A business that works without you will provide the life you want and give you FREEDOM OF CHOICE to retain and grow it, exit, sell, retire…or repeat.

We do what we teach! Hence the team and I at Power Play Coaching, via our ActionCOACH franchise, have built Oxfordshire and Wiltshire’s leading Business Coaching Practice, ranking amongst the top practices in the UK and the world. How many top athlete’s have a coach? All of them and their coaches ensure they learn to do things differently, avoid repeating mistakes, are held accountable and do whatever it takes to generate results.