Business Health Check - Time Is there enough time in your day to get work done? Yes, my days are well planned and almost every task is completed. Yes, although some important tasks are not completed. Rarely, I struggle to keep up. Never. I am overwhelmed with my workload. On average, how many hours do you work a week? Less than 20 hours. 20 to 45 hours. 45 to 55 hours. 55+ hours. Are you able to spend quality time with the people you care about? Yes, I always have time with my family and friends. Most of the time my family is top priority. Rarely. No, I put the majority of my time into my business. Do you use time in meetings to your advantage? Yes, meetings are concise, planned and help achieve our objectives. Yes, but meetings are often too long, not very organised, or infrequent. No, our meetings do not use time effectively. We do not have regular meetings. How do you manage your free time? I have an hour or more of free time a day, with regular exercise. I have time for hobbies, relaxing, and reading. I schedule time for occasional breaks. I often feel as though I can't relax, I keep thinking of work. Section Complete! You can now go to the next section, or review your questions by clicking on the progress squares below. Team How do your employees work together as a team? My employees do not work together as a team. There are some personality clashes. The team works effectively most of the time. There is synergy among all members of the team. Does your team identify with your company? No. Most employees are here for a pay cheque. Some employees identify with our company. Yes. Most understand and we have a strong culture and vision. Yes. Every member of my team is a walking/talking advertisement for the company. What level of communication occurs within your team? Communication is highly effective. Communication is mostly effective. There are frequent communication challenges within the team. My employees work independently. What level of understanding do your team members have about their role? Written job descriptions and regular scheduled reviews make roles clear. There are some formal structures and employees receive regular feedback. Team members "hit the ground running" with little instruction or review. Team members are often confused about roles and how they impact the business. Do you consult with your team members for suggestions for improvements? I often use team member suggestions. Team members often leave feedback, I rarely find it valuable. I have asked, however team members do not leave feedback. I have not asked for feedback in over 6 months. Do you let your team members know when you are proud of their work? Yes - I make a conscious effort to tell them. Yes - but I only make the effort when I feel like it. I tell everyone else in the team but that person. No - I don't encourage my team. Section Complete! You can now go to the next section, or review your questions by clicking on the progress squares below. Money Does your company stick to a clearly defined budget? Yes. The budget is always adhered to. Sometimes. The budget is considered more of a guide. Rarely. The budget is generally not followed. No. We don't use a budget. What financial importance would you place on getting new business in the next 12 months? We are overloaded and cannot cope with more business. We are already profitable, and have plans/goals for generating new business. It is important, but not critical. It is critical to the survival of my business. How often do you complete your financial statements? Weekly/Monthly. Quarterly. Every Six months. Yearly. We don't have organised financial statements, How has your profit margin performed this past financial year? Increased. Decreased. Remained Constant. Not sure. What is your cashflow outlook for the next 12 months? A positive cashflow result is forecast. A negative cashflow result is forecast. I never have enough cash to pay my bills. I don't monitor my cashflow. How does your company set its prices? Add X% markup to the cost price. Undercut the competition. Estimate market value. I'm not involved with price setting. Section Complete! You can now go to the next section, or review your questions by clicking on the progress squares below. Systems Does your company stick to a clearly defined business plan? Yes, and we review our business plan every 90 days. Yes, and we review our business plan annually. No, we rarely use/update the business plan. No, we don't have a formal business plan. How organised are your company's systems and procedures? The company runs like clockwork as a result of highly efficient systems and procedures. Some systems and procedures are working but there is still room for improvement. The systems and procedures are out of date and need updating to become efficient. There are no/very few formal systems and procedures in place. Which of the following best describes your company's employee systems? We have formal written policies and reviews, although we don't provide training. We invest in our employees, providing training as well as formal written systems and policies. We use verbal communication and handle situations on an individual basis. There is no formally systemised way to educate our people in the aspects of my business. What delivery and distribution procedures have you implemented for systemising processes in your business? We don't have any formal delivery or distribution systems. We forecast customer demand to plan for stock movements. A complete purchasing and stock receiving system is in place. We run paperless delivery and distribution systems. How do you test and measure the performance of your business? We measure performance on a daily basis and often ask for feedback. We have multiple measurable goals/plans that are calculated and divided by time periods. We have goals and plans, although we frequently do not evaluate our progress. There are no goals/plans. We measure our business success by how much profits go up/down. What technology procedures have you added to systemise your business? Operations are mostly computerised and we frequently update with new technology. Operations are (for the most part) fully computerised. Our technology still works, although it is outdated. We have minimal technology in our company. Section Complete! You can now go to the next section, or review your questions by clicking on the progress squares below. Contact Details Please fill out the below, all inputs marked with * are required. About You * * Your Company * Are You Currently Working With An Action Coach? * No Yes * Your Contact Details * * * All email addresses are kept confidential, we do not share, sell, or distribute email addresses. 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