Looking after existing clients

How To Retain Existing Clients

It is more important now than ever to retain existing clients/customers. You want to keep them at all costs.

Some of the things my clients are currently doing are explained in the latest edition of The Desai DESPATCH.


How To Retain Existing Clients: The Desai Despatch – Episode 3

Speaker – Jez Kay (JK)
Speaker – Falguni Desai (FD)

(JK) Now, a lot of businesses are considering all sorts of options at the moment, but I guess one of the most important things is that they look after their existing clients first. Do you have any recent stories that you can relate to about your clients?

(FD) Yes, absolutely, I communicate with my clients every single day and since this crisis started, one of the first things I did was to recommend to them that they contact all their existing clients, their key clients, and make sure that they’re looking after them.

One of my retail clients has done that and I said to them, how are you going to look after these clients?

So they have ring-fenced a certain amount of stock for them so that their clients know that they can rely on their supplier.

There was another client, in professional services. I said to them, how are you going to look after your existing clients?

I suggested that they not only ring them but follow it up with a handwritten letter. It doesn’t have to be long, just say

We are here for you if there is anything specific you need, just let us know. We are here to support you.

(JK) That’s fantastic, so what do you think we can learn from this?

(FD) It’s important to understand where are you getting your income from at the moment?

If you think about it, 20% of your clients, your key clients, is where you derive 80% of your income.

So, it is paramount to really look after them, go over and above, to make sure that you are doing everything you can to help them and make sure that you are listening to their needs.

Because when this is over, you want them to be your raving fans, your ambassadors.

Also, once we are out of this period, we have to continue in business. Of course, you still want them to stay with you.

So, this is about building loyalty further and building those relationships further. This applies to any sector.

Does this resonate with you? If you would like to book a complimentary, no-obligation, coaching session to discuss this further, please email me at falgunidesai@actioncoach.com