Transparency and inclusion for your employees

Transparency With Employees

If you keep your employees informed regularly on how the business is doing at this time, they will appreciate the honesty and will do their best to drive it.

This is what a retail business client is doing to keep morale and motivation levels up. All businesses can implement this, no matter what the sector.

The Desai Despatch – Episode 4

Speaker – Jez Kay (JK)
Speaker – Falguni Desai (FD)

(JK) So in this new situation with employers having to send employees home, do you have any examples of late where this sort of scenarios is the case?

(FD) Yes, one client in particular. Obviously, they were all working in an office environment and then suddenly most of them find themselves working from home. The owner, my client, obviously is focused on making sure that the business is running, which he rightly should be. He’s thinking

Well, the employees are working from home, so everything will just carry on as normal.

But it is difficult for the employees to know what’s going on remotely.

So, I suggested to my client that he think about sending a summary at the end of each day, just to update everybody in the business as to what’s happened in the business on that day,

That way, there is complete transparency and all the employees feel included. He agreed with that and he’s now sending a short email at the end of the day, just giving a breakdown of

  • orders taken,
  • stock levels,
  • any government updates,
  • any other relevant information,
  • and most importantly, thanking the employees.

He’s been doing it since last week and he’s had a lot of positive feedback from employees. They love it and they really appreciate it.

I think they will go the extra mile now because they know what’s going on in the business, how they are contributing, even though they are sitting at home in their own little bubble. They understand how what they do and how all the dots join up so that this business can continue during this difficult period.

(JK) I guess it’s really important to keep people posted now in every respect, in all aspects of the business, because it’s all about employee engagement now, really focusing in on it more than ever.

(FD) More than ever, because, if you have a team that is feeling included and they know that the business owner is trying his utmost to make sure that the business can continue, they can keep their jobs.

My client is open about if one day hasn’t been as great. Just tell them, because every day is going to be different.

Read more: Episode 1: The Daily (Virtual) “Huddle”

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