Back to basics: Time management

Time management working from home

After two months in lockdown, it is easy for certain habits and disciplines to falter as the current situation takes its toll.

This short video explains how some clients’ time management needed to be “re-set” and how they successfully resumed the habit.

(JK) We have been in lockdown for some time now and there is a tendency for things occasionally to slip a little bit.

Have you got any examples very recently when things sort of kind of slip from the point of view of time management?

(FD) Yes, this has happened with a couple of clients. Two months plus into lockdown, and time management was getting a little bit difficult.

Discipline was waning and clients were saying

I didn’t get as much as I wanted to be done.

I wasted the whole morning because something came up and then I couldn’t get back on track.

Immediately I reminded them, what is happening with your time management discipline, just like you were doing when you were in the office?

When we were in lockdown at the beginning, my clients did get into a structure. However, as I said we are all human and things can slip.

So, I recommended them to step back and on a Friday look at what is happening for the following week.

Prioritise, put things in the diary, including your leisure activities, going out for a walk, spending time with the family, taking a lunch break, time blocking is what I am talking about.

Half an hour blocks, one-hour blocks, whatever works, put it in the diary, get back on track, get the habit going, it is all about habit.

They knew that had slipped so actually they were smiling as I was talking.

They knew this is what they were meant to be doing.

And They have started again.

You don’t have to stick to it all day but even if you stick to most of it, you will get most of your tasks done and it will be more productive than just trying to do it freestyle.


Read more: Is it time to make time? The art of time management for your business.

Does this resonate with you? If you would like to book a complimentary, no-obligation, coaching session to discuss this further, please email me at