Aligning personal and business goals
Personal and business goals
We know that once we start a business and get busy working in it, we can lose sight of how it is impacting our personal life.
In this video, I explain how I have helped my clients achieve a balance between their personal and business life.
(JK) One of the most important things, I guess, that comes out of all this rather stressful time, that’s been happening for a lot of businesses in the last few months, is
getting things on the personal and the business side of things, making sure that everything is okay in both departments and they’re aligned.
What is your experience recently of this kind of personal and business conundrum?
(FD) Anyone who starts a business, they’re really excited and they go all in and they give their all, all their energy. Everything goes into the business.
What happens, I find often, is that people get really sucked into it and it starts impacting their personal life, then, it’s pretty chaotic often.
Because whenever I meet prospects, the first thing is always about
I can’t sleep, I’m working crazy hours, all of that.
And, so one of the first things I do with clients is to have an alignment session and it’s the best to part of the day and it’s to align their personal goals with their business goals.
I mentioned personal goals first because ultimately, it’s about having, what sort of a lifestyle do you want because you went into business for a certain type of life and lifestyle.
So, your personal goals should come first, followed by your business goals.
How can you achieve that lifestyle and what do you want?
Then you can marry it up with how are you going to do it through your business?
So things like, if you want to spend more time with your spouse, you want to
- spend more time with your children,
- take regular holidays,
- do a sport regularly,
- do some charity work…
It could be anything.
But you’ve got to make that decision of what you want and how you’re going to get it.
I find that once I have that session with clients, it really, really gives them that clarity on where they are now and where they want to get to, but how they’re going to do it so that they actually enjoy the journey.
If they’ve been in a really frantic time running their business, it’s almost not fun anymore. It is like,
why am I even doing this?
So, stepping back and thinking,
why did you start this in the first place and what are you getting out of it?
Because there’s no point making money and being ill, or worse, being dead.
Rich and dead, it’s really not good, not helpful for anybody. Clients have this session annually, It’s an annual session that I have with clients so that they can really stay focused.
I things have slipped, they can pinpoint what happened, and actually,
I don’t like this and I want to get back on where I was before.
I’ve just had a realignment with a client, this is the third one, and it just keeps the focus. It really, really keeps the focus.
(JK) Do you get the client actually to almost put their personal goals and what they’re trying to achieve and their alignment goals in a little kind of box?
Do you have something almost written down in a little case that they can come back to every year?
(FD) Yes, they will write things down and then we will compare whatever they wrote last year to what it is this year because things do change.
Some things change, some things don’t. Some thing’s changed completely. So yes, and it really makes them think,
why did I want this last time and now actually why did I put this?
So again, it’s going back and thinking,
did I really mean that? Did I really want that? And maybe I was in a different place at the time.
But I think what people forget is that they’re not leading two separate lives as a business owner.
The personal life and business life are completely entwined, and one impacts on the other.
So, if you can get clarity on what you want, you’ve got a better chance of controlling things because otherwise, it does end up being quite chaotic.
Does this resonate with you? If you would like to book a complimentary, no-obligation, coaching session to discuss this further, please email me at