The most successful clients that I work with, recognise that challenge is a constant.

They recognise that they operate within a constantly changing market place and that doing the same thing and ‘being busy’, will not solve issues, or progress their business!

In fact doing the same thing will deliver the same, or in many cases, less than before.

Fatigue may set in, morale could drop, finances might be affected and people might leave. Worry becomes the norm.

As Warren Buffet stated, “Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.”

– Now perhaps you might think that your boat is not leaking….yet?

– Or, perhaps you might ask, where is this other boat? I cannot see one?

But at least now you are considering new alternatives and questioning the status quo.

You are changing your thought process, which in turn will lead to new actions and outcomes.

Don’t get stuck being ‘busy’ – it’s never great fun in the long term.