Business Marketing Test When it comes to generating new leads ... We're great at it! We're OK with it. We need to find ways to improve. We are finding it hard to generate new leads. Your marketing plan for your company ... Is incredibly effective. Contains some strategies that need to be tweaked. Isn't as effective or cost-effective as it could be. Doesn't exist! Your marketing budget ... Delivers new customers at a reasonable cost. Seems way too expensive for our current needs. Always seems wasted. Doesn’t exist! When you spend money on media, how would you describe your results? We get great results from every media platform we use. We use a lot of "old school" media, but we need to master digital marketing. We use a lot of digital media, but we are not sure it delivers new customers. We don't really know. What's your current conversion rate from lead to customer? Fantastic! Average. It's pretty low We don’t really know. How do you test and measure your campaigns? We have a complete campaign tracking system. We measure our results. If we remember, we'll track our results. We don’t! How high is the "Lifetime Value" of your customer base? It's very high, and we add value to it every chance we get. It's not as high as we would like it to be. We have some idea of what it is, but we also have a lot of products and services. We don’t know. What type of online advertising do you use? We invest heavily in all types of online advertising and marketing. Only a certain percentage of our "spend" is online. We don't really understand online, but know it's important to our business We're "old school" and don't do online. Do you have any programmes to help compel former and inactive customers to come back and buy from you again? We have great programmes that work wonders for us! Sometimes we'll go back and market to our old customers. We're thinking about a programme, but aren't sure how to move forward. We think that's a bad idea. How many joint venture or strategic alliance partner programmes do you have in place to leverage your marketing efforts? We have several JV or strategic alliance partners that are successful. We have thought about pursuing them, but aren't sure how they work. We've been burned in the past and don't do them anymore. We don't think they are appropriate for our business. How often do you discount pricing to boost sales? We always discount and can't survive without it! Sometimes we have sales during the year. We hardly ever discount anything. We never do and fight to keep our prices high. What type of "frequent buyers programme" or VIP customer service programmes do you currently have in place? We have a great programme in place. We have a programme, but don't promote it very well. We would like to create a programme, but don't know how to. We don't think these programmes would work for us. Section Complete! You can now go to the next section, or review your questions by clicking on the progress squares below. Contact Details Please fill out the below, all inputs marked with * are required. About You * * Your Company * Are You Currently Working With An Action Coach? * No Yes * Your Contact Details * * * All email addresses are kept confidential, we do not share, sell, or distribute email addresses. How Did You Hear About ActionCOACH? * Please Select Search Engine Direct Mail Friends/Family An Action Coach An Action Coach Event/Seminar Newspaper Magazine Other Keeping up to date* At ActionCOACH UK, we have news about our events and services we'd love to share with you from time to time. Please let us know if you would like to keep up to date with these products and services: Yes, I would like to receive further marketing communications No, I would not like to receive further marketing communications By providing your details you agree to be contacted by us to receive your results. We will treat your data with respect and you can find the details in our Terms of Service Agreement and Privacy Policy.