“Companies with a written business plan have 50% greater sales growth and 12% higher gross profit margins than those without one” – Kauffman Centre

Many business owners write a business plan at the start of their entrepreneurial journey, but unfortunately this quickly ends up in a drawer and forgotten about.

One thing I quickly learned when being coached myself was that, without a plan, everything you do in your business ends up being ‘random’.

What I mean by this is, without your goals being written, how will you ever know if you have achieved them?

Without targets being written and communicated with your team, how do people know what they’re working towards?

Strategies and activities need to be planned, otherwise your targets will never be reached.

The trouble is, many business owners are so caught up in the day-to-day of their business, that they never make the time to plan. And as the old adage says; failing to plan is planning to fail.

Businesses end up doing the same things they always do, and always getting the same results they always got.

Business owners end up struggling with the amount of time, money and effort they put in to their business, and don’t spend enough time working on their business to plan their own futures.


After writing many business plans myself, I have since become somewhat of an expert on the subject. In fact, it’s one of my favourite things to do as a business owner.

A 90 day business plan is the most effective planning strategy any business can undertake.

This allows any business to clearly set its goals for the next quarter, as well as planning month by month, week by week and even day by day; what activities need to be done, and by whom, to achieve those goals.

Business planning is no longer an art, it’s a science. And that is why I hold my regular 90 day business planning workshops: GrowthCLUB

It doesn’t matter if you have never created a business plan before in your life, these workshops are guaranteed to help you create the best plan possible.

You will work through the plan together with myself, step by step, in order for you to come away knowing what you need to do, how to do it, and when you will do it by.

In fact, I offer a money back guarantee with these workshops. If you don’t feel like you’ve received every penny’s worth of value from GrowthCLUB, simply return the materials and I will refund all of your money back to you. That’s how confident I am in the power of business planning.

Want to find out more? Give the office a call on 01423 900760.

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