
Before hiring an ActionCOACH, Mahmood Chaudri of Datrix Ltd admits that the cost structure in his business was hindering his profitability.
However since taking on an ActionCOACH, Mahmood revealed that he has seen results from the very first session. By removing himself from the day-to-day running of the business and hiring a Managing Director, Datrix has seen a 40% increase in revenue and 25% decrease in overhead costs!

After completing an Engage & Grow programme, the Datrix team are now aligned with a real clarity on vision and goals. Needless to say, Mahmood would encourage other business owners to also use an ActionCOACH in their business:

“If you want to make sure you stay in business and if you want to make sure you get the best out of your business then I would highly recommend it.”


If you’d like to kick-start your business growth and you:

1. Want more time

2. A more efficient team

3. And to grow your profits

Then find your local Action Coach today!