ActionCOACH has enabled Gary Wagstaff to build a profitable client base working in his franchise just one day a week

Gary Wagstaff, 32, joined ActionCOACH at the beginning of 2017. Working only one day a week in the business, Gary has already built a profitable franchise.

“I live and work in Northamptonshire where I own a manufacturing business which celebrated its 10th birthday in December 2016 and our best year of trading to date! I had worked with an Action Coach in the early years of starting my business. Looking back over the value of the systems and processes, prompted me to evaluate the ActionCOACH franchise opportunity.”


“After applying, I was invited to a discovery day. Ian Christelow, ActionCOACH UK’s Founder, explained how the work ActionCOACH franchise partners do with their business-owner clients increases employment across the country, through making additional profits to fund the growth of SMEs. This day was a vital turning point in my life and, by lunch time, I’d seen enough. I’m always up for a challenge and the idea of being able to grow as a person whilst contributing to my local business community by growing companies, saving owners from the brink of despair and increasing employment, really resonated with me.”

First class training

After five days of intensive training to become a certified Business Growth Expert, Gary launched his ActionCOACH business in March 2017.

“The training provided at the start and throughout my journey to date has been first class. What’s more, the community I am now surrounded by is something I have never experienced previously – a group of congruent, like-minded business people. They have come from all walks of life – all with a passion and drive to succeed and to give back to their own local communities. These people will help you at the drop of a hat because they all want you to be the best you can be.”

“I work four days a week on the manufacturing business and the other day is invested in my ActionCOACH clients. We develop plans and strategies to allow them to further their own knowledge and make their businesses more profitable and fun so they actually want to be there.”

Life changing

“For me, this has been a process which I am truly grateful for. Is it hard work, when juggling another business and three small children? Yes it is! Do I think it is worth it and would I invest in the franchise if I was offered the chance to do it all over? The answer is a resounding yes! The biggest eye-opener for me in all of this is, by buying into a franchise model, a big chunk of the hard graft has already been done for me compared to going at it alone and starting a business from scratch. Anybody can set up a business and call themself a coach. But for me, the toolkit, team and credibility of ActionCOACH compared with any other coaching organisation is first class. I am proud to be associated with such a powerful global brand, system and support team.”

“If you have got to this part of the article and you are still reading this, then just pick up the phone and apply to attend a discovery day. What ActionCOACH has created over the last 16 years in the UK, has enabled me to build (alongside my trailer business), a profitable client base in 9 months of working in my franchise, just one day a week!”

Next steps

If you would like the flexibility and opportunities ActionCOACH has to offer and you:

  1. Get a buzz from helping others succeed
  2. Love learning and developing yourself
  3. Have enjoyed success in your career or sport…
Find out more by watching the overview video here