I’m too busy…

Does the above sound familiar to you? Do you feel you simply do not have enough hours in the day to get your business where you dream of it being? Perfect! That means you are in prime position to do something about it! As a business owner, how much of your time is spent working IN your business, rather than working ON your business achieving the potential it deserves? Wouldn’t you ultimately want to work less hours, with higher profits and a phenomenal team operating around you? You need a plan…

So, what is PlanningCLUB…

It is a one-day workshop-based business planning event designed to give you clarity of the future and significantly increase the value of your business.  You and your team (max 2 per business) will be working in a group session with a world-class business growth specialist and interact with other like-minded business owners to build a highly successful business plan. You’ll test your business assumption into a live business model where you see an immediate impact on your cash flow, profits and business value growth.

You will leave with a comprehensive growth programme for Business owners who want to:

  • Significantly grow profits
  • Build trusted teams
  • Achieve powerful goals
  • Turn personal dreams into reality
  • Enjoy their business again

Create the best version of your business; Create a business plan guaranteed to grow your business. Having a working business plan that drives activity will ensure your business achieves what you want it to achieve. So stop saying you’re too busy and that you don’t have the time. Take one day to take part in Wiserways’ PlanningCLUB, and begin to dream of the success your business can achieve!


Register NOW for PlanningCLUB