It’s that time of year where we reflect on ourselves and think about what we can change in the New Year. While most resolutions revolve around eating more healthily or getting fit, they can also be made for improving your business.

But it can be difficult to know where to start, so we’ve created a list of New Year’s resolutions.

 Review your business plan

In every business – especially a small one, your business plan is one of the most important things. Your business plan should regularly be updated to reflect developments and changes in the industry and in your business. So if it’s been hidden away in a draw for a few years, take it out, read it and update it!

If you haven’t had the chance to develop a business plan then that’s ok, now is as good a time as any! Without a business plan, you’re far less likely to reach your desired goals.

Work on your website

Most businesses these days have a website, but they’re just sitting their neglected. It’s important to keep your website updated for basic search engine optimisation. Take some time to improve and jazz up your website. Take a look at how your competitors’ websites look for ideas.

Outsource if you need to

Your business success is contingent on doing what you do best. This means that other important tasks in your business are better off being outsourced to others. Many business owners get it wrong by thinking that they can’t afford to hire a graphic designer or bookkeeper, but these people can help support your business while you stay focused on what brings in the money.

It can be difficult to delegate some things to other people when you feel more confident in taking care of everything yourself. However, it’s a really big must if you want to grow your business – the bigger you grow, the more help you’ll need!

Change what isn’t working for you

Not everything you do in business is a success the first time you try. For example, when it comes to selling, not every sales method will work for everyone, so you should try something new. Try not to invest a lot of time and energy into trying to make the unworkable work.

As an experienced business coach, I can not only help you set individual resolutions but ensure you stick to them and stay motivated. For more information on how I can help your business, contact me.