The 30 Day Re-Alignment Plan

Business realignment

In this episode, I talked about the 90 Day Plan being broken down into 30-day chunks.

After 5 weeks, one of my clients has done a re-alignment of the 30-day plan so that any changes could be addressed.

This video explains what has changed since the last plan.

(JK) Recently we have been talking a lot about the 90-day plan broken up into 30-day chunks. Now we have finished one of those 30-day chunks. What have you found out from your clients about what has happened at the end of those 30 days?

(FD) The 90-day planning, broken down like this, in 30-day chunks, as you say, has really helped my client.

He’s just done a re-alignment of the 30-day plan because certain things have changed.

This is the beauty of it because you are looking at a shorter period. You can really focus on all of the areas that you are monitoring and see where the changes need to be made. It may be that you don’t need to make changes in everything.

The biggest thing I would say that has happened is that he had put some of the staff on 80% salary because we didn’t know how things were going to progress. Actually, the business has done pretty well, so from this month, they are back on 100% pay, which is a really good indication and it is a positive step for the employees.

The other thing is having monitored the sales team, they have decided that actually they could contact customers more frequently than they are already because they are finding that that is helping them.

The other thing they have decided, and will do in the next two or three weeks, is that in the marketing department, it was an in-house person doing digital marketing. They have decided that they are going to outsource digital marketing because we are now in a different era, basically because digital marketing is going to be massive. The in-house capability that they have is probably not going to be enough. They need somebody who is an expert at this and who runs these digital marketing agencies.

So, they are looking at that and the operations are working well. They have got their warehouse teams and all of that is in good shape.

It has really shown that you have to continuously look at how each area is doing.

If you need to make changes, then make them as soon as you can. It basically gives clarity on what is going on in the business.

(JK) So this 90-day plan, as chunked up into 30 days, comes about as part of the whole pandemic lockdown. Do you think that this is a good approach for when we start to loosen up and come out of lockdown?

(FD) Yes, what I do with my clients normally is that every 90 days we have a day out of the business to plan for the next 90 days in any event.

This is when they look at all of the sales, marketing operations, etc, and this is working on their business, so they do that in any event. Because of the lockdown, the 90-day plan has changed from what they were doing before.

For this period, don’t look more than three or four months ahead and focus on 30 days at a time.

So I think, yes, once we’re out of this, people will continue because with this, because I think it’s really helped them get clarity and focus.

(JK) I guess that is the most important thing of all, clarity and focus, that’s great, thank you so much, Falguni.

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