Mental and Physical Wellbeing for Employees

Since the lockdown, the importance of employee wellbeing has been highlighted often.

It is not easy working alone especially for those employees who have never done it before.

In this video, I explain what one client has put in place to address this.

(JK) Well, we have been in lockdown for quite a long time now and a lot of people who are employed by some of your clients are going to be feeling it a little bit.

So, what have you been doing to advise your clients about how to deal with the physical and mental well being of their employees?

Do you have any particular outcomes from that?

(FD) Even without being in lockdown, the importance of employee wellbeing, both mental and physical, is critical so important.

Since we have been in lockdown, the impact that mental health is having on people has been really highlighted a lot.

People are able to go out for physical exercise for a short time and have been and hopefully from next week they can go out more.

But the mental and the physical need to be looked at together.

One of my clients who has got more than 25 employees, he has been speaking to each one having 121s. When I spoke to him to say how is everyone doing, the answer was

They seem to be ok, they have got families, they have the usual household issues, some people don’t have a very big space, it was going ok.

One of the things I suggested was what about offering your employees some sort of online programme that you pay for that if they want to take it up they can, which will help them mentally and physically.

My client was very happy to look into that. I suggested somebody who does a little bit of meditation, a little bit of yoga, stretching, that kind of thing and a little bit of taekwondo rolled into one.

It is a programme which lasts an hour, it is online now as that is what everyone is doing. It is open to all employees in the business and it is also open to their spouses or their partners, two people can join and really see how it would help them.

What has happened is that this was implemented about three weeks ago and the feedback has been very good. When the initial email was sent out to say this is open to anybody, plus your partner or spouse and please make use of it.

They really appreciated the fact that the employer had taken the initiative to offer something like this.

Some of them have taken it up and have really enjoyed it.

(JK) That sounds essential because it seems to not only be good for the mental and physical wellbeing all at once but it also seems to be a galvaniser for the teams themselves, so it kind of keeps everyone together in this business family or extended family.

(FD) Yes, and it has a feel-good factor as well that there is something that all of them can do if they want to, it is up to them entirely and they might join the class one week and might not join the second week. Whenever they have the time it is available to them and I think that is the important message. It is there if you want it and no doubt it will help you.

Does this resonate with you? If you would like to book a complimentary, no-obligation, coaching session to discuss this further, please email me at