We often talk about demanding clients and the effect they have on a business/firm.

They can reduce morale, spread bad news. cause us a loss in revenue, leave bad reviews become angry or in extreme cases threaten, or take action.

Is there a difference however, between a demanding and a difficult client?

A demanding client might just want more from the relationship?

It might be something we have/have not done that has caused them to demand more?

Perhaps a lack of contact, poor service, faulty goods/service, bad communication, or lack of attention?

Is there anything we can do to ensure that we do the utmost to reduce any potential disruption, conflict of such a demanding client?

Surely, a demanding client might just be someone who wants what the service/advice/products they have paid for?

Chatting to a conveyancing team recently, they talked of their demanding clients – but were they demanding or again, just wanting what they wanted and what they have paid for?

Especially within the legal world, which of course has that perception of being costly.

Who sets the expectations?

Who positions the client correctly at the start of the relationship when opening the case file?

Probably us. Therefore, are we investing enough time into starting the relationship in the correct manner?

Or, is it one size fits all?

If a demanding client is left unchecked however, then they might become a difficult client.

Vocal, aggressive, unruly, picky and trying to prove a point with you or your brand!

Have we reached out and tried to understand the issue. Here are some tips for handling this type of client:

  • Approach the situation with questions?
  • Be clear to outline the exact issue.
  • Be clear about relationship rules.
  • Remove your ego!
  • Remind them of the rules and try and reengage them
  • Deliver the hard news.
  • Introduce a goal/outcome driven result.
  • Stay positive.
  • Ultimately you might have to let them go….

Then. replace them with a better, more profitable and understanding client.