Can you build skyscraper on top of your business foundations or more like the leaning tower of Pisa?

In  my 15 years of running this business and talking to business owners, the key statement that I often hear is “I am good at what I do, but there’s so much that comes with running a business and I never studied “business” so I don’t really know what I am doing.”

Which means you’re learning on the job.

Which generally means you make a lot of mistakes to learn from.

Often costly mistakes.

Is that the case for you too?

That’s why we’ve developed this 12 week Business Basics Masterclass.

Over the course of 12 weeks, we will meet weekly, for 90 minutes, online, in a group.

And I will take you through the basics, the foundations to your business.

These are the topics we’ll be covering:

  • Week 01 – 6 Steps To A Better Business
  • Week 02 – Destination Mastery
  • Week 03 – Time Mastery
  • Week 04 – 5 Ways And Conversion Rate
  • Week 05 – Lifetime Value And Average Value Of Sale
  • Week 06 – Repeat Business And Margins
  • Week 07 – Target Market AND Leads
  • Week 08 – Systems
  • Week 09 – Six Keys To A Winning Team
  • Week 10 – Management And Leadership
  • Week 11 – Financial Mastery
  • Week 12 – Dream. Goals, Learn Act + BE DO HAVE

Who is this for?

You’ve had a business for 12months+, already made some (costly) mistakes and want to put the right foundations in place now, so you can start building a skyscraper on top of them, not the leaning tower of Pisa!

When? – Starting from Wednesday 11th of September, 9.00 -10.30am

Investment – £1,200+VAT for the full course, which is £100/week!

You can instantly save your seat here –

Guarantee – If you complete all the actions that we set every week, I am expecting you to grow your sales by a minimum of 10%.

If you don’t?

I will give you a full refund!

Book your space by emailing me now,

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
Message me , and let’s talk.

*This can be paid over 3 months*