Coach programmes - ActionCOACH

Coaching Programmes

Which option is right for you?

You might want to focus on growth, team recruitment and training, time and efficiency, personal productivity, or you may be ready to consider an exit strategy. Whatever your objective, we can offer coaching and training programmes that are tailored to the needs of you and your team.

For smaller businesses, you may choose one of the group coaching programmes and then move on to one-to-one coaching. Or if you’re ready to move forward faster and are already an established business, you might go straight to one-to-one for the fostered results. No matter where you are now and where you want to be, we can work with you to help you to achieve your goals.


Are you ready to make a change?

Our signature programme and the most intense: results-driven coaching that any business owner can put to use. This programme is suitable for high quality businesses already experiencing steady growth, but with the goal to grow more rapidly. You’re probably working too many hours and your business would not survive without your constant attention.

One-On-One Coaching

How To Write A 90 Day Business Plan

In reality, failure to plan is a plan to fail and for many business owners, who are caught up in the day to day of their business, finding time to plan for your business can seem impossible. By the end of your first GrowthCLUB, you will have a clear picture of where your business will be in 90 days time and a step-by-step plan to get you there.

ActionCOACH Business Growth Club

Clarity and Motivation

What is it you actually want in your personal life? More time, money or fun? You may be wondering what that’s got to do with your business plan? Well, your business exists to provide money to do the things you want and also give you the time to do them.

Re-focus. Re-engage. Re-energise.

Engage & Grow will re-focus, re-engage and re-energise the most important asset to your business – your people. This programme is specially designed to create dramatic organisational change, training your whole team to move the business forward.

Engage and Grow

Because every great business needs a great business plan

A good plan is essential for an successful business. This interactive two-day programme provides you with all the tools necessary to write a 1- or 5-year business plan which is goal-driven, simple, and easy-to-follow.

ActionCOACH PlanningCLUB

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