I have talked to a couple of business owners this week about whether they want to engage with a business coach. It felt as though they were making a decision, rightly in many ways, about whether I was the coach for them.
It made me think about what selection process I was using to enable me to decide if they were a client I wanted to work with.
There are three key “red lines” that would stop me working with a business and they are – Is the business doing something unethical? Is the business doing something illegal, and is me working with this business going to have an adverse effect on a business owner I am already working with. If any of these are discovered then I would walk away.
However there are a number of other qualities and characteristics that make a business owner coachable. The ability to be coached is a fundamental trait that can significantly contribute to the success and growth of a business and of the coaching relationship. Here are my thoughts on what makes a business owner coachable:
1. Open-mindedness: Coachable business owners will exhibit open-mindedness, a willingness to consider alternative views, and an eagerness to embrace change. They understand that the business world is constantly evolving, and that being receptive to new ideas and strategies is essential for staying competitive and relevant. As we say in Action Coach “I know” are the two most expensive words in business!
2. Hunger for Learning: A coachable business owner has a real appetite for learning. They recognise that personal and professional development is an ongoing journey, and they actively seek opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. They are always looking for ways to improve their business practices. Education is a key element of business coaching.
3. Self-Reflection: Effective coaching requires self-reflection. Coachable business owners are not afraid to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of themselves and their team. They understand that self-awareness is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, and they are open to feedback that can help them identify areas for improvement. This leads to them taking accountability, which Is the second key element of business coaching.
4. Adaptability: The business landscape is marked by constant change, and a coachable business owner is adaptable to these changes. They understand that what worked in the past may not necessarily work in the future, and they are ready to modify their strategies and approaches accordingly. This flexibility is crucial for navigating challenges and seizing new opportunities. As Jonathan MacDonald teaches, the business world is changing at an ever increasing rate and the ability to embrace change is critical to business survival and success.
5. Effective Communication: Effective communication is fundamental to the coaching relationship – being open and honest at all times. Business owners who are coachable are skilled at articulating their thoughts and ideas, but equally importantly, they are good listeners. They value the insights and experiences of others, and they can engage in constructive dialogues with coaches and their team and allies to maximise the benefits of the coaching relationship.
6. Resilience: Building a successful business often involves overcoming numerous obstacles and setbacks. A coachable business owner possesses resilience, bouncing back from failures and setbacks with a positive attitude. They view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than insurmountable roadblocks. As we say in Action Coach – the only failure is the failure to participate!
7. Goal Orientation: Coachable business owners are goal-oriented individuals. They have a clear vision of where they want to take their business, and they are committed to achieving their objectives. This focus on goals provides a framework for the coaching process, enabling both the coach and the business owner to work together towards specific outcomes.
8. Trust in the Coaching Relationship: Trust is the cornerstone of any effective coaching relationship. Coachable business owners trust their coaches and believe in the process. This trust allows for open and honest communication as above, creating a safe space for exploring new ideas, addressing challenges, and working collaboratively towards success.
In conclusion, a coachable business owner is someone who not only recognises the value of coaching but actively embraces it as a means to enhance their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve their business goals.
So, my question to you is – are you coachable? If you believe you are and are looking to engage with a business coach please contact me on 07511 969690 or at rogerpemberton@actioncoach.com .