Hundreds of small and medium sized businesses across our region will be breathing a sigh of relief with news that Business Thinkers (part of ActionCOACH Bristol, the number one business coaching franchise) is stepping in after the Government announced it was winding down its Business Growth Service.

Launched in 2012, Growth Accelerator (GA) was a £200m scheme designed to help up to 26,000 small businesses in England grow.  It was a scheme which many businesses in our area chose to take up, giving them access to subsidised business advisers and coaches.

Under the Growth Accelerator scheme, SMEs had the opportunity to receive double the amount of investment they put in so a business investing £1,500 would receive £3,000 worth of business expertise and advice.

Now with thousands of businesses left reeling after the scheme’s funding was cut in the budget, as part of the Government’s £84m saving plan, Bristol based ActionCOACH says it will still honour the deal.

Simon Buck (Managing Director in Bristol) commented “As a well-established coaching business we are delighted to be able to support businesses who were or now are looking to successfully develop and grow their business.  Having supported hundreds of business owners achieve significant results we are committed to provide £3,000 worth of business coaching and training for £1,500 in a similar way to the Growth Accelerator support that has sadly now been cancelled”.

By removing financial support the government has passed the gauntlet to those in the private sector to support business growth, and many support services will face an overwhelming challenge. At ActionCOACH we understand business owners are willing to invest in commercial value and if we can help that investment go a little further after these cuts then we are delighted to help UK business owners.

Get in touch to see how your business could benefit – this is a time based offer