Creating a diverse work force will move your business forward faster…

Diversity is about going beyond stereotypes to give value to differences and promote togetherness.  It is about incorporating independent thinking to reach common goals.  Businesses are also starting to understand that a diverse internal workforce yields higher revenues and increases employee performance, not to mention the positive impact on company culture.

67% of job seekers say that diversity is important to them.  Candidates who are actively looking for employment consider the lack of diversity in management and at executive levels a negative.  To attract the best talent, ensure you are developing diversity and inclusion strategies throughout your organisation.

4 Types of Diversity

1/ Internal which refers to characteristics people are born into and cannot change such as race, age, gender, national origin, ethnicity. sexual appearance, physical and mental ability.

2/ External or referring to characteristics that define a person but cn be changed such as interests, citizenship, eductaion, religious membership. relationship status, socioeconomic status, etc.

3/ Organisational referring to the organisation a person belongs to and the factors that are part of it which may include but are not limited to job function, management status, work location, department, seniority, union affiliation, etc.

4/ World Views or how observations, experience, and feelings shape our world which are related to politics, history knowledge, and cultural events.

78% believe there is a competitive advantage to diversity and inclusion.

As we begin to come out of the restrictive environments it is imperative that you invest some time in your team.  Healthy team dynamics can improve productivity, spark innovation and ultimately lead to higher revenues and profits.  It is critical to build a foundation of open communication, transparency and a clear vision and mission that can galvanize your team  to achieve higher results.

Remember employees join companies but leave managers!