Paris Olympics 2024 – since the start of this wonderful festival of sport, two things struck me:

1/ Every athlete competing wants to get better!  They are all stiving to be faster, jump further or higher, do more tricks etc to win the medals!

2/ They ALL have a coach and a “team” supporting them, no one is “going it alone”!

Every great athlete, high-profile business leaders and celebrities use coaches to improve everything from their health and fitness to their communication skills. They often use coaches to help them change habits, instill new techniques, and learn new options.

Whether you choose a coach or consultant the intent is the same. Finding solutions to problems and improving results. The coach is a guide helping you discover your possibilities. The consultant is expected to provide the right answers to solve the problem. Sometimes it can be difficult to decide which is the better direction to choose. Let’s explore some considerations as you decide whether a coach or consultant is best for your business.

Concisely, consultancy focuses on providing specific solutions for specific issues or problems in short or determined timeframes.

  • Consultants tend to be subject matter experts
  • Consultants tend to assess specific problems and then provide specific solutions
  • Consultants work at higher level with an organization
  • Consultants are project or objective focused

Coaches on the other hand, work one-on-one with clients and tend to be more long-term focused.

“The main difference between coaching and consulting is that coaching pulls out answers from the client while consulting tells the client what to do” (, 2018)

  • Coaches tend to be more generalist but can have specific areas of expertise
  • Coaches tend to build relationships with clients
  • Coaches help individuals become aware of environments so they can find solutions
  • Coaches help develop specific skills, focus on accountability, and get results through goal setting

Coaching requires a more personal approach and commitment. While consultants target specific departmental talent gap, coaches work to build the talent up to meet the challenges the business face.

Coaches are focused on building abilities and skills. Consultants are focused on solving the problem.

Projects that are best for a consultancy approach have a distinct start and finish or focus duration period. Coaching is an iterative process which is fluid and can evolve and expand as the client’s needs change.

Both coaches and consultants have an arsenal of tools resources and techniques to bring about desires changes and to meet objectives. Coaches and consultants are highly skilled educators and trainers and can impart knowledge in a variety of ways. Coaches and consultants both use systematic questioning to identify opportunities and are both committed to solving a client’s issues. You can employee the skills of coach and the expertise of a consultant at the same time. Just be clear on the outcomes you want to achieve.

To learn more about business coaching please get in touch.