What Did The Little Piggy Do?

The Business Health Check: Your Secret Weapon for Success

Your business is like a living organism. It needs to be constantly monitored and cared for in order to stay healthy and thrive. Just like you take your car to the garage for a service, it’s important to conduct regular business health checks to identify any potential problems early on.

A business health check is a comprehensive assessment of your company’s financial, operational, and strategic performance. It can help you identify areas where your business is doing well, as well as areas where there is room for improvement. By reviewing regularly you’ll stay on top of your business and make sure that you’re on track to achieve your goals.

We’re halfway through the year so if you haven’t already carried out a business health check, now’s the perfect time.  Not sure why you should bother, or how to do one?  Read on for my step by step guide.

Why conduct a business health check?
  • Identify potential problems early on. The sooner you identify a problem, the easier it is to fix. Doing a Business Health Check  allows you to identify potential problems and take steps to address them before they become major issues.
  • Make sure your business is on track to achieve its goals.  Reviewing your company’s current position means you can track your progress towards your goals and identify any areas where you need to make adjustments. Helping to ensure that your business is on track to achieve its full potential.
  • Improve your decision-making. A business health check can provide you with valuable insights into your business’s performance. This information can help you make better decisions about your business, such as where to allocate resources, how to improve your products or services, and how to expand your market.
  • Increase your competitive advantage. By staying on top of your business and making continuous improvements, you can gain a competitive advantage over your rivals.
What are the areas I should look at?
  • Financial performance.  This looks at your revenue, expenses, cash flow, and profitability.
  • Operational performance. Including your sales, marketing, customer service, and operations.
  • Strategic performance. Are you on target to meet you goals, objectives, and are your strategies working?
  • Customer satisfaction. Important as it measures how well your business is meeting the needs of your customers.
  • Employee satisfaction. A happy engaged team will help you to achieve your goals and drive success your business.
  • Innovation. This is important as you need to be able to both think ahead and adapt to change in order to stay ahead of the competition.

Once you have gathered all of this information, you can use it to identify areas where your business is doing well, as well as areas where there is room for improvement. You can then develop a plan to address any areas needing improvement.

It’s important to remember that a business health check is not a one-off event. It should be conducted on a regular basis, once a year as a bare minimum.  I recommend my clients do this review process on an ongoing basis as it helps ensure that their business is always on track to achieve its goals.

Make sure you understand your numbers.

Numbers in any business are not just the financial ones. There are financial statements, marketing numbers, sales reports, customer satisfaction surveys, time spent making a ‘widget’, stock numbers (no. and value), time off due to sickness to name but a few. By looking at your numbers, you can get a better understanding of how your business is performing, taking confidence from the areas that are on track and identify any areas where there are problems.

For example, if your sales are declining, you may need to make changes to your marketing strategy, or conversion process. Or, if your customer satisfaction scores are falling, you may need to take a look at how you look after those very important people.

By looking at your numbers, you can get a clear picture of the health of your business and identify any areas that need improvement. This will help you make better decisions about your business and ensure that it is on track to achieve its goals.

Help – What should I do, my business isn’t in great shape?

Don’t panic! There are things you can do to get back on track.

Identify the problem. The first step is to identify the problem. Why isn’t your business performing as expected? There could be a number of reasons, such as:

  • Changes in the market. The market may have changed since you made your projections. For example, new competitors may have entered the market, or customer preferences may have changed.
  • Problems with your product or service. Your product or service may not be meeting the needs of your customers.
  • Problems with your marketing. Your marketing efforts may not be reaching your target audience.
  • Problems with your sales process. Your sales process may not be effective.
  • Problems with your operations. Your operations may not be efficient.
  •  Develop a plan. Once you have identified any issues, you need to develop a plan to address them. This plan should include specific goals, timelines, objectives, and strategies.

Implement the plan. Once you have developed a plan, you need to implement it. This may involve making changes to your product or service, your marketing, your sales process, or your operations.

Measure your progress. It’s important to measure your progress as you implement your plan. This will help you track your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Don’t give up. It may take some time to get your business back on track, so don’t be disheartened if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep focussed  implementing your plan, recognising your wins, however small as you go and you will eventually achieve your goals.  Don’t forget that as a business coach I’m here to offer you a listening ear to help you get to where you want to be.  Your first step is to book a 121 with me

Yes – My business is looking healthy what should I do next?

If your business has been given a clean bill of health that’s great.  It means that you should be on track to achieve your goals and you can build on that success.  Here are a few things to consider.

  • Celebrate your successes. It’s important to take the time to celebrate your successes, both big and small. This will help you and your team stay motivated and keep moving forward.
  • Set new goals. Once you have achieved your current goals, it’s time to set some new ones. This will help you keep your business growing and evolving.
  • Continue to monitor your numbers. Even though your business is doing well, it’s important to continue to monitor your numbers. This will help you identify any potential problems early on.
  • Be prepared for change. The business world is constantly changing, so it’s important to be prepared for change and even get ahead of the game. This means being willing to adapt both you and your business to meet the needs of your customers.
  • Invest in your employees. Your employees are your most valuable asset. Make sure that you are investing in their training and development, and that you are creating a positive work environment.


If this blog has inspired you to undertake a business health check but you’re not sure where to begin.  Then click here to take the business health check on my website.  Once you’ve completed it let’s book a 121 and I can help you take your business to the next level.

Book Your Free 121 Coaching Session


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