6 Keys to a Winning Team

In the world of business, the secret to sustainable success lies in the strength and cohesion of the team behind the scenes. In this blog I want to share with you the story of how a business coach can help you build a high performing team.

So please join me as we explore six essential steps to creating a great team. From fostering strong leadership and establishing common goals to embracing behavioural profiling like DISC, leveraging W.I.F.L.E. feedback, and ensuring clear expectations, this blog unravels the intricacies of nurturing a thriving team culture. Discover how these fundamental pillars can transform your team dynamics, elevate performance, and propel your business towards increased success.

Are you sitting comfortably, then I’ll begin; Once upon a time, there was a small but ambitious company. Their CEO, Sarah, had a dream of taking her business to new heights, but she knew she couldn’t do it alone. So, she decided to seek the guidance of a seasoned business coach, Coach Kathy, to help her build a strong and united team.  Together they looked at the 6 Key Steps that Sarah would need to build a strong team.


Step 1. Strong Leadership:

Coach Kathy understood that strong leadership was the cornerstone of any successful team. She worked closely with Sarah to develop her leadership skills, teaching her the importance of leading by example, communicating effectively, and inspiring her team members to achieve greatness.

Step 2. Common Goal:

Together, Sarah and Coach Kathy rallied the team around a common goal: to become the industry leader in their field. They painted a vivid picture of what success looked like and instilled a sense of purpose and passion into each team member.

Step 3. Rules of the Game:

In order to succeed, Coach Kathy knew that everyone needed to be on the same page. She helped Sarah establish clear expectations, roles, and responsibilities for each team member. They created a set of guiding principles – the “Rules of the Game”  –  outlining the standards of behaviour and performance expected from everyone on the team.

Step 4. Action Plan:

With the vision in place and the rules set, it was time to put their plan into action. Coach Kathy helped Sarah and her team develop a strategic action plan, breaking down their goals into manageable tasks and milestones. They identified potential challenges and devised strategies to overcome them, ensuring they stayed on track towards their objectives.

Step 5. Support Risk-Taking:

Coach Kathy understood that innovation and growth often required taking risks. She encouraged Sarah and her team to step out of their comfort zones, try new things, and learn from both successes and failures. By creating a supportive environment where risk-taking was celebrated rather than feared, they fostered a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

Step 6. 100% Involvement & Inclusion

Last but not least, Coach Kathy emphasised the importance of 100% involvement and inclusion. She believed that every team member had unique strengths and perspectives to contribute and that everyone deserved a seat at the table. Sarah and Coach Kathy worked tirelessly to create a culture of inclusivity where every voice was heard, valued, and respected.

As the months went by, the company was transformed into a thriving and cohesive team. They faced challenges head-on, celebrated victories together, and grew stronger with each passing day. Thanks to the guidance of Coach Kathy and the unwavering dedication of Sarah and her team, they not only achieved their goal of becoming industry leaders but surpassed it, leaving a legacy of success for generations to come.


In the story above, I’ve shared some traditional ways to build a strong team. But you can also use a behavioural profiling tool, like DISC.  These tools help you get a greater understanding how your team ticks.  Why bother?  Imagine being able to peek into your new team member’s personality before they join, with DISC you can. It’s like checking if the puzzle piece fits before you add it to the picture. By finding individuals whose personalities match the role, you’re setting your team up for success from the get-go.

And guess what? You can even use DISC with your current team! It’s like getting to know each other’s favourite ice cream flavours. Understanding how your team communicates and work best can make teamwork smoother than a well-oiled machine helping to strengthen your team bond, leading to smoother sailing toward your goals. Sounds good. Eh?

Building a team isn’t just about finding individuals with impressive CVs; it’s about  people with a diverse mix of skills and competencies that complement each other like pieces of a puzzle. Having a team comprised of individuals with varied expertise not only fosters innovation and creativity but also ensures that your team is equipped to tackle a wide range of challenges. When you’ve got this mix just right, you’ll notice a dynamic energy within your team, where different perspectives are valued, collaboration flourishes, and solutions to complex problems come more readily.

On the flip side, when your team lacks diversity in skills and competencies, you may notice a stagnant atmosphere, with ideas falling flat and progress grinding to a halt. It’s like trying to build a house with only a hammer; you need a toolbox full of different tools to get the job done effectively.

One powerful aspect of team building is creating an environment where feedback flows freely and is valued. Embracing the concept of “What I Feel Like Expressing” (WIFLE) feedback encourages team members to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas openly and honestly. By fostering a culture of open communication and constructive feedback, teams can identify areas for improvement, celebrate successes, and address any challenges head-on.

However, it’s not just about receiving feedback – it’s about taking action on it. When team members feel heard and see tangible changes as a result of their feedback, it builds trust, morale, and a sense of ownership within the team.

Clarity is key when it comes to building a successful team. Clearly defining roles, responsibilities, and expectations makes sure that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals. Setting clear expectations from the outset helps to prevent misunderstandings, conflicts, and missed opportunities.

Additionally, regular follow-ups and check-ins are essential for keeping everyone accountable and ensuring that progress is being made. Whether it’s through one-on-one meetings, team get togethers, or project updates, consistent communication and follow-up are vital for maintaining momentum and achieving success as a team.

And there you have it – the recipe for turning your team into a powerhouse of productivity and success! By weaving together strong leadership, shared goals, clear communication, and a sprinkle of behavioural insights, you can create a team that’s unstoppable.

If this blog has struck a chord with you and you’re ready to take your team to the next level, why not book a Team Alignment session with me, Kathy Bassett Together, we’ll unlock your team’s full potential and pave the way for even greater achievements. Just click here to learn more and schedule your session today.

Remember, the journey to a high-performing team begins with a single step – and I’ll be here to guide you every step of the way. Here’s to building a team that’s not just good, but truly great!


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