I was recently part of The Harrogate Podcast with Truth Legal, talking about what I do, and more importantly, why I do it. You can listen to the interview using the link below.

I’ve taken some snippits from the interview to expand on. Below is useful information for any business owner.


The Formula for Success

I’ve never met anyone who shouldn’t run their own business, nor anyone who couldn’t. It all comes down to passion. If you want to do it, you can.
This may go against advice you’ve been given in the past. Perhaps you’ve been told you need the right ‘personality’ to be successful in business.

The truth is, there is a simple formula for success. If you understand and follow each step, you can achieve the success you want

Dream – it has to start with a dream, the business you want to creat, the lifestyle you want to achieve
Goal – this is where the dream becomes more specific and time bound, be as detailed as you can
Learning – there is probably a gap between where you want to be and where you are now, bridge this gap by learning what you need to
Plan – knowing year by year, month by month, week by week and day by day, what you will do to reach your goal
Action – making sure it gets done, you can have the greatest plan, but without the implementation, it can all fall apart
Success – dreams can come true!


A clever person learns from his own mistakes, a genius learns from mistakes of others.

If mistakes are made, you have to learn from them. If you don’t, then that’s the definition of insanity – ‘Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’

The trouble is, to reach your goals – there may lots of mistakes made along with way – which is timely, costly and ultimately exhausting!

This was probably the biggest lightbulb moment I’ve had in my business career – commiting to mastery – learning from others who have already walked down the path you want to.
Instead of making all the mistakes yourself, go to someone who has achieved the success you want to achieve, and learn from them.
As long as you implement what made them successful, and avoid the mistakes they made along the way!


There are some great interviews on the podcast, and I highly recommend dedicating some time to listen and learn from some influencial figureheads in the local business community.

You can listen to the interview here

Finally, see more of my podcasts with Stray FM here.