I was watching a recent BBC Documentary called A DIY Generation: Young Hustlers

Increasing numbers of young people want to quit the traditional nine to five and run their own businesses.

In 2016 a total of 181,000 young people in that age bracket were classified as self-employed workers.

But the harsh reality is that a lot of people fail – almost half of start-up businesses don’t make it past the third year, according to academics at the Enterprise Research Centre.

Why is that?

The truth is, most people start a business in the thing that they are really good at, or something they are really passionate about, but are never taught how to run a business.

Even a Business Studies degree won’t cover the ins and outs of business ownership, and it certainly won’t tell you what it feels like being a business owner.
It can be a stressful, lonely world, full of sleepless nights – but it doesn’t have to be.

Right outside, on your doorstep, is a business community.
People who have just started in business. Businesses who have been doing it for years. Business owners who are in the same position as you. Some who are doing better, some not doing as well as you.

No matter what their situation, there is a wealth of experience for you to draw knowledge from. Learn from others successes, and avoid their mistakes.
You also have knowledge and experience you can share with others. Look to help other business owners in as many ways as you can.

You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.  – Zig Ziglar

This is why I’m such an advocate of networking.


However, to all the Young Hustlers out there, if you have a dream and you want to get there fast, find someone who is living that dream through their business. Go to them, learn from them, implement everything that made them successful.

I promise you, you’ll to your dream, and the journey will be a lot quicker, a lot easier, and a lot less expensive.

This is what makes a business coach so valuable to so many successful people.