Business Coaching

Business Coaching – I’ve been exceptionally amazed by some of the results that we have achieved!

Before business coaching we had experienced step changes. One step forward and two steps back. No doubt we would have continued on that pattern. That hasn’t been the case since engaging with our Coach, Ian.

Since working with Ian, over the last 3 years we have excelled exponentially. I now have a thirst to research all aspects of business through publications. All  fueled by Ian.

I have known for quite a while about my burning desires, but I wasn’t aware of the fact that I could achieve these until Ian gave me the belief that I could achieve anything, through coaching.

My target figures are quite challenging, I will be the first £2b recruitment business in Liverpool, and Ian has instilled the faith and positive mindset in me that I can achieve that.

Our Weekly Gross Profit has grown by 40% between 2018 and 2019.

I now spend most of my time working ON the business, sourcing new investment opportunities, something I could not have done before working with Ian. Personally, my family have seen a massive change in me, becoming more positive and spending more time with them.

Working with a coach isn’t easy. Ian tells me things at times that I don’t want to hear! But….working with a coach will get you to where your desires are!

Darren Fulton; Managing Director; The Liverpool Recruitment Company Group.

For more information, click here to leave your details or contact Ian on 07716 292378