Idealization, Verbalisation, Visualization, Materialization = Clarity

Success is all in the Mind


Let me ask you a question, are you achieving everything you’ve dreamed of whether on a personal or business level?  Maybe you’ve always dreamed of trekking to the base camp of Mount Everest, owning an Aston Martin Vantage, or building a business that you can pass on to your son or daughter?



So what’s stopping you?  The reason is not that you’re too busy, or don’t have the ability, rather, it’s down to not having the right mindset to help you succeed.   Turning your dream into reality is not easy, it take time and hard work Have a look at the four point strategy to help you focus your mind and make it easier for you to achieve your dreams.


Idealisation – Close your eyes and dream.  Take the time to really pin point what it is you want to achieve whether that’s this year, five years, 10, 20 or 30 year’s time.  Write down exactly what it is that you want, if it’s a dream car make sure you do more than simply list the brand.  Think about the paint colour, interior and exterior trim, the extras you want to have.

It’s important to dream big, so to help you with this process you might like to create a series of boards with images and words that will help to keep you motivated.  This can be done using sheets of blank paper, old magazines and coloured pens, or on your laptop, whatever suits you.  The important thing is to be really specific about what you want as this helps to increase your desire to achieve.


Verbalisation –  Have you ever noticed how saying something out loud can help make it happen?  This part of the exercise encourages you to prepare 21 “I AM” statements about your future.  These need to describe the traits you want to build in order to become the person you want to be in order to do the things you want to do, to have and experience all you dream of.

Some examples might include:-

I AM capable of achieving success in my business

I AM passionate about my business and that shows in everything I do

I AM a great leader of my team helping them to develop into the best people they can be

I AM a great parent guiding my children to be smashing adults

I AM able to run 20 miles in 3 hours

I AM able to convert 20 leads into 12 clients

Once you’ve created your list pin them up in a few places so that you can see them, this could be on your fridge, or stuck to your office wall.  Take a few minutes each morning and evening to say them out loud to yourself.  Saying your positive affirmations out loud every day helps to focus your mind and ultimately makes them happen.


Visualisation –  They say a picture paints a thousand words and when it comes to helping make your dreams come true it can really help to visualise yourself doing the things you’re dreaming of.  Set 10 minutes aside each day to spend time picturing your future.  Visualise yourself doing those things that you’re dreaming of, if it’s going on a dream holiday, go through all the steps from packing, getting in the car, arriving at the airport to getting to your final destination.  Remember to include yourself in the picture rather than just visualising the place you want to be.  Picturing yourself where you want to be, helps to give you the motivation to take the actions required to get you there.


Materialization – This is the bit where your dreams come true.  The steps above help you to adjust your mindset and give you the tools to be able to achieve your dreams.  The process also helps you with your accountability and this in turn means that your dreams ultimately become reality.

You will need to be disciplined in performing this ‘RICHUAL’ at least twice a day.  Let me know if you would like to discuss further. Click here to send me an email or give me a call on 07952 112432