Do You Celebrate Success? Over the past year or so, it’s been hard to find the silver lining.

The news is depressing. Your business is more challenging. Life is harder than it was only a few months ago. The sense of helplessness and hopelessness can be overwhelming. It’s hard to find anything of a positive nature to cling too. So Celebrate Success.

Celebrate Victories

Research is clear. Celebrating even the smallest victories every day can go a long way to improving your mental health and your physical stamina. As a business owner, finding small things to celebrate even in the most challenging of times, is critical to keep your team motivated and inspired.

Celebrating the small stuff will lead you to find a positive side to almost every situation. You should celebrate when….

  • Your team is healthy and coming back to work
  • A customer service issue that has been resolved in a positive way
  • A new customer order or sale is made
  • Employees reach milestones; work anniversaries, birthdays etc.
The Celebration Mindset

How can you further instill a celebration mindset in your business? Here are a few suggestions.

  • During a team meeting, ask team members to share good news
  • Ask team members to journal moments during their day they feel are celebration worthy to share.
  • Recognise those who actively participate.

Ultimately, as the business owner and leader it’s important you demonstrate a positive attitude. So, remember to;

  • Praise those that are doing exemplary work
  • Acknowledge the achievement and completion of goals
  • Regularly share your own accomplishments or a little good news
  • Recognise team work and collaboration that is contributing to your overall business success

Celebrate Success.

Staying Positive details how keeping a positive point of view can actually improve your life and the lives of those around you.

  • GRATITUDE: “Gratitude increases dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. If we are grateful more often, the happiness-producing neural pathways strengthen, just as exercise strengthens the body.”
  • OPTIMISM: “Optimism may significantly influence mental and physical well-being by the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Overall well-being seems to be influenced by optimism, which can be strengthened by gratitude.”
  • EXPRESSING GRATITUDE: “When you become truly aware of the value of your friends and family members, you are likely to treat them better” 
  • RECEIVING GRATITUDE: “Grateful people are more likely to help others because you become aware of kind and caring acts and feel compelled to reciprocate.”

In the video that follows, CEO & Founder of ActionCOACH Brad Sugars, shares some great ways to stay motivated, be inspired and stay on a positive path.


Finally, encourage your team to exercise self-care. Find ways to give back to their communities and reward themselves. Encouraging more positive self-talk improves confidence. Allowing employees a time to pay-it-forward goes along way to improving morale and thus impacting your customer service. If employees feel recognised, valued and cared for, they are more likely to treat their co-workers and your customers with more care in return. So Celebrate Success.

Stay Positive

Staying positive in the moment is hard. Remember habits grow over time and only if practiced. So, start small. Find one thing to be grateful for and celebrate it today. Then tomorrow find one more. Every day you take time to find what’s going right, will encourage your team to do the same. Slipping on the rose-colored glasses everyday will give a renewed view of the world. See it for yourself and then share it with others.

Find out more by getting in touch with me today. Book a 15 minute call here and learn more about GrowthCLUB. Message me at or fill in the contact form by clicking here.