The idea that anything is possible could be seen as a bit of a cliché. However, it is true that you can achieve more than you think. While we all face very real obstacles in life, too often we do not get what we want because we never ask. What would it be like if you could fulfil your dreams and be free of all the worries that are holding you back?

On Friday 29th July, we had the honour of being joined by Steven Robinson for the Big Friday Finish. Steven Robinson is an award-winning motivational speaker, as well as a dressage competitor, qualified private pilot and author of No Arm in Trying. He speaks at many multi-national events and has appeared on The One Show, the Davina McCall show “This Time Next Year” and was awarded The Douglas Bader Memorial Trophy 2015. Here’s what he had to say:

Phantom barriers.

In April 1982, when Steven was 18, he had a motorcycling accident during which he lost his right arm and suffered damage to multiple organs. He continued to experience sensation in his right arm even after he made a full recovery, and it was this that led him to think: how much of what we perceive is based on our imagination?

Later on, he successfully overcame two big fears: horses and flying. His strategy for this was exposure therapy, i.e. regular exposure to the things he feared most. After several months of riding lessons, he went on to come 5th out of 300 in a dressage competition at Hartbury. He also learned how to pilot a private plane after being awarded a flying scholarship for disabled people and was later handed an award by the RAF.

When you are held back by your own fears and doubts from trying to reach your goals, there may be a good reason. How often do you stay in your comfort zone, shying away from meeting your potential? Are you afraid of issues that are of little to no consequence? Steven described this as “phantom barriers”. There’s an importance of recognising when your perceptions are not based on reality and being able to move forward in spite of them. Overcoming fear isn’t something that happens overnight; it requires regular small steps outside of your comfort zone until you have broken the barrier.

Create your own life.

Disability access and acceptance were poor in the 1980s, which meant that with only one arm, there were no job opportunities available to Steven. He was undeterred by this, however, and instead saw it as an opportunity to create his own life. He became a mechanic and took up breakdancing, learning both skills with just one arm. He went to university whilst in his 30s and graduated with a 1st Class Hons degree in Computer Science, having had no prior qualifications. He even created his own jukebox, and sold 400 in eight months – completely single-handed, as he put it.

Steven learned from these experiences that when unexpected changes happen, there are always opportunities to create your own life. You cannot always anticipate when changes

will happen, or the impact they will have on you, but you can avoid falling into the trap of losing purpose and direction if you have goals to work on. With this in mind, it is possible to prepare for the unexpected so if you are unable to meet your goals the way you planned, you can change direction and adjust your goals where necessary.

Trying again.

When Steven became a pilot, he was persuaded to use a prosthetic arm to help him steer the plane. Unfortunately, his arm kept falling off and he was unable to use it safely. It took many failed attempts – and several arm replacements – before he was able to fly safely with a prosthetic arm.

It was this experience that taught Steven the importance of trying again and making small steps. If a goal or an attempt at learning a skill doesn’t work the first time, that does not mean it is impossible. It may mean you need to make changes, or it may simply be a question of chance – either way, it is only guaranteed to never work if you stop trying. In flying – as with any challenge – it doesn’t matter what is above or behind you, but how high you are and what is ahead. As Steven himself says: failure doesn’t exist – only different degrees of success do.

If you want to learn more about stepping out of your comfort zone and achieving your goals, you can watch the full webinar here.

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