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This video is 2 minutes and 17 Seconds in length.

Video 1 of “17 Ways To Get More Stuff Done!” series…

Do a Time Survey

Ever sat down at the end of the day and thought “I’ve been so busy today, but what have I actually done?  What productive tasks have I completed?”. And you can’t think of anything. It’s a common scenario.

In this short video series we look at ways to grab back control of your time and be massively more productive.  The first step to being more efficient is to take a look at how you are currently spending your time.

Does it make sense that in order to improve your time management, we need to learn what you’re doing with it right now?

Once we know what you’re spending your time on, we can then tackle ways to boost your effectiveness.

It all starts with doing a 2 week time survey.  Writing down what you do every half an hour from 07:00 to 22:30 every working day.

This sounds like a hard thing to do doesn’t it?  Yep.  It is.  But it’s crucial to moving forward. Watch the video below.  I’ve kept it short.

If you want a copy of the Time Survey template, drop me an email on PaulBedford@ActionCOACH.com.

If you’re a business owner with a team of more than 5 people and you’d like a free 20 minute discussion on how to grow your business then book a call with me on the below button:

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Watch out for the next video in this series.